Most Common Icons

These are the 1,000 most common icons.
  • 113,256 icons
  • 133 different sources
  • 71,383 distinct names
  • 58,734 names appear in only one source.
With this many icons, I strongly recommend using the Search page to find an icon.
Name # of Sources
calendar 92
home 90
lock 86
folder 84
star 83
share 82
bookmark 81
download 81
flag 81
plus 81
link 80
search 80
minus 79
number 77
arrowright 76
camera 76
heart 76
upload 76
book 75
filter 75
phone 75
cloud 74
arrowleft 73
check 71
arrowdown 69
arrowup 69
trash 67
crop 66
play 66
file 65
globe 65
user 65
clock 64
twitter 64
eye 63
info 63
key 63
pause 62
tag 62
creditcard 60
bell 59
briefcase 59
facebook 58
code 57
stop 57
github 56
hourglass 56
menu 56
gift 55
wifi 55
map 54
edit 53
pin 53
settings 53
pencil 52
chevronright 51
compass 51
database 51
refresh 51
rss 51
chevronleft 50
clipboard 50
moon 50
image 49
zoomin 49
zoomout 49
chevrondown 48
chevronup 48
list 48
calculator 47
close 47
microphone 47
shield 47
car 46
circle 46
tablet 46
youtube 45
archive 44
sun 44
table 44
dice 43
save 43
square 43
trophy 43
unlock 43
aligncenter 42
battery 42
envelope 42
forward 42
inbox 42
warning 42
border 41
laptop 41
layers 41
linkedin 41
paperclip 41
power 41
printer 41
question 41
document 40
grid 40
hospital 40
apple 39
brightness 39
bug 39
expand 39
google 39
keyboard 39
cloudupload 38
comment 38
copy 38
instagram 38
lockopen 38
more 38
ticket 38
umbrella 38
add 37
at 37
bluetooth 37
lightbulb 37
location 37
shoppingcart 37
watch 37
alignleft 36
alignright 36
dashboard 36
help 36
move 36
print 36
undo 36
video 36
wallet 36
chat 35
megaphone 35
playcircle 35
rocket 35
android 34
clouddownload 34
mail 34
monitor 34
person 34
repeat 34
shuffle 34
folderopen 33
mouse 33
pinterest 33
server 33
behance 32
box 32
dribbble 32
email 32
italic 32
message 32
money 32
music 32
pluscircle 32
redo 32
ruler 32
wrench 32
alarm 31
anchor 31
bag 31
barchart 31
bold 31
chartbar 31
chartpie 31
checkcircle 31
cog 31
fire 31
minuscircle 31
windows 31
x 31
googleplus 30
history 30
logout 30
pausecircle 30
piechart 30
scissors 30
send 30
skype 30
starhalf 30
swap 30
tumblr 30
underline 30
attachment 29
crown 29
eject 29
export 29
fastforward 29
fingerprint 29
paragraph 29
signal 29
terminal 29
truck 29
arrowupright 28
browser 28
brush 28
cart 28
group 28
login 28
qrcode 28
radio 28
smartphone 28
target 28
thumbsdown 28
thumbsup 28
volume 28
arrowdownright 27
arrowupleft 27
bank 27
building 27
dropbox 27
network 27
pen 27
time 27
triangle 27
users 27
arrowdownleft 26
delete 26
error 26
fullscreen 26
headset 26
icfluenttextbold16filled 26
icfluenttextbold16regular 26
icfluenttextbold20filled 26
icfluenttextbold20regular 26
icfluenttextbold24filled 26
icfluenttextbold24regular 26
mobile 26
newspaper 26
slack 26
text 26
thermometer 26
timer 26
usb 26
backspace 25
bolt 25
dollar 25
down 25
drag 25
gitlab 25
linux 25
paypal 25
photo 25
speaker 25
steam 25
stopwatch 25
train 25
up 25
wordpress 25
airplane 24
checkmark 24
cube 24
diamond 24
headphones 24
layout 24
quote 24
shoppingbag 24
tv 24
whatsapp 24
arrows 23
arrowupcircle 23
bars 23
bus 23
caretright 23
icfluenttextitalic16filled 23
icfluenttextitalic16regular 23
icfluenttextitalic20filled 23
icfluenttextitalic20regular 23
icfluenttextitalic24filled 23
icfluenttextitalic24regular 23
label 23
leaf 23
mic 23
questioncircle 23
shop 23
snapchat 23
stopcircle 23
switch 23
arrowdowncircle 22
batteryfull 22
caretdown 22
caretleft 22
caretup 22
coffee 22
ellipsis 22
exclamationcircle 22
film 22
flower 22
magnet 22
note 22
package 22
plug 22
right 22
stack 22
stethoscope 22
suitcase 22
volumeoff 22
wheelchair 22
alert 21
apps 21
arrowleftcircle 21
arrowrightcircle 21
asterisk 21
basket 21
desktop 21
eyedropper 21
flask 21
icfluenttextunderline16filled 21
icfluenttextunderline16regular 21
icfluenttextunderline20filled 21
icfluenttextunderline20regular 21
icfluenttextunderline24filled 21
icfluenttextunderline24regular 21
infocircle 21
left 21
library 21
mappin 21
receipt 21
rectangle 21
reddit 21
sort 21
tree 21
volumemute 21
addressbook 20
adjust 20
borderbottom 20
borderleft 20
bordertop 20
cancel 20
codepen 20
collectionitem 20
computer 20
euro 20
exclamation 20
flickr 20
flip 20
h 20
import 20
magnifyingglass 20
male 20
musicnote 20
reload 20
rewind 20
snowflake 20
stackoverflow 20
strikethrough 20
videocamera 20
vimeo 20
volumeup 20
window 20
backward 19
borderright 19
disc 19
discord 19
gear 19
house 19
html5 19
language 19
lifebuoy 19
panorama 19
paperplane 19
picture 19
remove 19
reply 19
shieldcheck 19
sliders 19
sync 19
telegram 19
volumedown 19
airplay 18
batterycharging 18
bitcoin 18
chartline 18
circlenumber 18
clockhour 18
columns 18
cross 18
dialpad 18
female 18
filetext 18
flash 18
folderminus 18
folderplus 18
googledrive 18
hexagonnumber 18
like 18
minimize 18
next 18
signin 18
skull 18
spotify 18
squarenumber 18
squareroundednumber 18
translate 18
twitch 18
activity 17
barcode 17
batteryempty 17
bookmarks 17
bookopen 17
cake 17
checkbox 17
coins 17
crosshair 17
cup 17
docker 17
drop 17
envelopeopen 17
funnel 17
gamepad 17
gif 17
graph 17
hash 17
information 17
medium 17
merge 17
opera 17
paintbrush 17
pill 17
questionmark 17
signout 17
stepforward 17
alignbottom 16
aligntop 16
bicycle 16
contrast 16
copyright 16
cursor 16
devices 16
divide 16
equalizer 16
eyeclosed 16
eyeoff 16
flame 16
idcard 16
lastfm 16
loop 16
mapmarker 16
maximize 16
microscope 16
n 16
palette 16
password 16
puzzle 16
router 16
run 16
scale 16
taxi 16
thumbup 16
tools 16
viewlist 16
virus 16
voicemail 16
alertcircle 15
amazon 15
analytics 15
atom 15
badge 15
beaker 15
bomb 15
borderinner 15
coin 15
compress 15
contract 15
exit 15
figma 15
fileplus 15
filezip 15
folderadd 15
fullscreenexit 15
function 15
gate 15
ghost 15
git 15
googleplay 15
hand 15
hexagon 15
icecream 15
infinity 15
line 15
mailbox 15
medal 15
movie 15
notepad 15
people 15
percentage 15
plane 15
presentation 15
project 15
robot 15
sms 15
soundcloud 15
split 15
stepbackward 15
store 15
task 15
thumbdown 15
trendingdown 15
trendingup 15
triangledown 15
unlink 15
usercircle 15
usergroup 15
userplus 15
yen 15
accessibility 14
alignjustify 14
arrowcircleleft 14
arrowcircleright 14
block 14
cast 14
certificate 14
chart 14
church 14
comments 14
css3 14
direction 14
dna 14
duplicate 14
enter 14
eraser 14
fish 14
hammer 14
hashtag 14
looks 14
notification 14
npm 14
pentagon 14
pills 14
previous 14
report 14
scan 14
subscript 14
sunrise 14
superscript 14
triangleup 14
userminus 14
vector 14
view 14
adjustments 13
ambulance 13
aperture 13
api 13
arrowcircledown 13
arrowcircleup 13
audio 13
batterylow 13
bed 13
borderall 13
city 13
closecircle 13
cookie 13
currencydollar 13
cut 13
devicetablet 13
egg 13
equal 13
exclamationtriangle 13
externallink 13
favorite 13
filecode 13
fileminus 13
filepdf 13
flashlight 13
gitcommit 13
gps 13
id 13
lamp 13
microsoft 13
mute 13
news 13
notebook 13
octagon 13
onlineshop 13
pharmacy 13
radar 13
record 13
replay 13
resize 13
schedule 13
subway 13
syringe 13
tags 13
template 13
timeline 13
toolbox 13
variable 13
vk 13
water 13
webcam 13
wifioff 13
wind 13
angleright 12
angular 12
article 12
aspectratio 12
ban 12
basketball 12
beer 12
bellslash 12
broadcast 12
bulb 12
clipboardcheck 12
compare 12
cpu 12
ear 12
exchange 12
eyeslash 12
feather 12
feed 12
feedback 12
font 12
gitmerge 12
hamburger 12
harddrive 12
icfluenttextsortascending16filled 12
icfluenttextsortascending16regular 12
icfluenttextsortascending20filled 12
icfluenttextsortascending20regular 12
icfluenttextsortascending24filled 12
icfluenttextsortascending24regular 12
icfluenttextsortdescending16filled 12
icfluenttextsortdescending16regular 12
icfluenttextsortdescending20filled 12
icfluenttextsortdescending20regular 12
icfluenttextsortdescending24filled 12
icfluenttextsortdescending24regular 12
idea 12
lightning 12
lockclosed 12
markdown 12
navigation 12
phonecall 12
planet 12
pulse 12
puzzlepiece 12
react 12
recycle 12
rotateleft 12
rotateright 12
screen 12
script 12
select 12
smiley 12
spellcheck 12
spinner 12
sunset 12
sword 12
textaligncenter 12
textalignleft 12
textalignright 12
tick 12
traffic 12
wechat 12
yahoo 12
angleleft 11
angleup 11
appbarpage 11
bike 11
bitbucket 11
blogger 11
calendarplus 11
chartdonut 11
command 11
contacts 11
container 11
directions 11
door 11
dot 11
dots 11
drone 11
elevator 11
eyeglasses 11
fastbackward 11
firefox 11
flashoff 11
fork 11
gitbranch 11
gradient 11
handshake 11
header 11
health 11
images 11
kanban 11
loading 11
magicwand 11
mastodon 11
memory 11
notifications 11
nut 11
parking 11
paw 11
piggybank 11
pocket 11
podcast 11
polygon 11
pushpin 11
replyall 11
restart 11
satellite 11
school 11
shieldplus 11
simcard 11
siport 11
snow 11
stamp 11
support 11
television 11
tiktok 11
timescircle 11
tornado 11
triangleleft 11
triangleright 11
weight 11
windowmaximize 11
xmark 11
album 10
angledown 10
appbarcard 10
arrowback 10
arrowforward 10
attach 10
back 10
backpack 10
battery0 10
batteryhalf 10
belloff 10
borderouter 10
boxmultiple 10
build 10
buildingoffice 10
bullhorn 10
calendarminus 10
call 10
carousel 10
chatbubble 10
chevrondoubleleft 10
chevrondoubleright 10
chrome 10
cloudoff 10
collapse 10
commenttext 10
cornerdownright 10
cornerupleft 10
cornerupright 10
cutlery 10
denied 10
distribute 10
event 10
exclamationmark 10
exclude 10
exposure 10
external 10
face 10
factory 10
fileadd 10
fileexcel 10
fileimage 10
files 10
fileword 10
fontsize 10
frame 10
genderfemale 10
gendermale 10
golf 10
graduationcap 10
headphone 10
helicopter 10
helpcircle 10
highlight 10
hotel 10
intersect 10
joystick 10
ladder 10
multiply 10
no 10
numeric 10
percent 10
python 10
rain 10
reorder 10
restaurant 10
retweet 10
rewindcircle 10
ribbon 10
rssfeed 10
safe 10
scooter 10
sitemap 10
sketch 10
smile 10
socialdistancing 10
sortdown 10
sortup 10
studon 10
surroundsound 10
tab 10
telescope 10
textsize 10
toiletpaper 10
trademark 10
transfer 10
transform 10
trello 10
useradd 10
waves 10
wikipedia 10
woman 10
world 10
xcircle 10
yinyang 10
alarmoff 9
alerttriangle 9
application 9
appstore 9
areachart 9
award 9
baseball 9
binoculars 9
blog 9
borderstyle 9
brain 9
bridge 9
c 9
calendarcheck 9
cash 9
cat 9
cc 9
checklist 9
checkmarkcircle 9
cheese 9
chevrondoubledown 9
chevrondoubleup 9
circledashednumber 9
closedcaption 9
cloudcheck 9
cloudcircle 9
cloudcomputing 9
cloudrain 9
colorpicker 9
cone 9
cornerdownleft 9
cornerleftdown 9
cornerrightdown 9
currencyrupee 9
currencyyen 9
data 9
date 9
diamonds 9
dollarcircle 9
droplet 9
evernote 9
firewall 9
fliph 9
flipv 9
floppydisk 9
folderstar 9
football 9
forum 9
gauge 9
gavel 9
gitfork 9
glass 9
glasses 9
gridoff 9
infooutline 9
invoice 9
javascript 9
languagepython 9
linechart 9
lungs 9
magic 9
man 9
marker 9
mobilephone 9
modem 9
mosque 9
motorcycle 9
ok 9
patreon 9
pentagonnumber 9
personadd 9
phoneoff 9
photocamera 9
pictureinpicture 9
pizza 9
playpause 9
poweroff 9
preview 9
road 9
romannumeral 9
rosettenumber 9
sanitizer 9
screwdriver 9
skipforward 9
skipnext 9
slash 9
sparkles 9
speedometer 9
starcircle 9
stars 9
stopsign 9
subtract 9
symbol 9
system 9
tallymark 9
tennisball 9
times 9
toggleoff 9
toggleon 9
transgender 9
viewcolumn 9
viewgrid 9
vpn 9
wine 9
witime 9
wiwindbeaufort 9
wraptext 9
xing 9
zoom 9
account 8
alarmclock 8
alien 8
align 8
arrowdownleftcircle 8
arrowdownrightcircle 8
arrowupleftcircle 8
arrowuprightcircle 8
artboard 8
bat 8
battery50 8
biohazard 8
blade 8
bluetoothoff 8
bone 8
borderclear 8
bordernone 8
brackets 8
bullseye 8
cactus 8
capsule 8
castle 8
category 8
caution 8
cercle 8
chartarea 8
circleslice 8
clear 8
cloudarrowdown 8
cloudarrowup 8
cloudsnow 8
codebracket 8
construction 8
control 8
controller 8
currencyeuro 8
currencypound 8
debug 8
deviantart 8
devicemobile 8
dislike 8
doctor 8
documents 8
electricity 8
erase 8
eurocircle 8
fastforwardcircle 8
filterlist 8
fireextinguisher 8
fog 8
formatbold 8
formatitalic 8
formatlistbulleted 8
foursquare 8
framer 8
gamecontroller 8
garage 8
gitcompare 8
gitpullrequest 8
googleearth 8
grip 8
handbag 8
hdd 8
heartcircle 8
hook 8
identification 8
inprogress 8
internet 8
keyframealign 8
keyskeleton 8
landscape 8
launch 8
leftindent 8
lighthouse 8
listbullet 8
messagetext 8
messenger 8
micoff 8
monitoring 8